Feature section design from TailwindCSS

Developer Markepear testimonials

I love the design of this crossover section on the Tailwind homepage.

I see the code and the result next to each other.

I see how I can get that result with code.

It is interactive and catches my attention.

It makes me feel inspired.

Great job Tailwind team!

  • See website
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vs competitor
landing page

VS page format from Ably

call to action
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"Top of article" CTA on the blog from Eartlhy

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Case study in a single view from Resend

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Auth0 developer portal Hero section CTAs

developer experience
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landing page

Social proof from TailwindCSS homepage

social proof
landing page
developer experience

Showing testimonials related to features from Appsmith

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Pricing page header from Mux

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Header with benchmarks from Bun

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Code + UI Linkedin post format

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landing page
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Algolia developer portal design